New production line for SUPERMIRROR K10
La nuova linea produttiva Supermirror K10 è caratterizzata da alto know-how tecnologico, è completamente automatizzata ed estremamente rapida in termini... read more

Brushed satin stainless steel: advantages, manufacturing processes and possible applications
Stainless steel satin finishing is a finishing process that is performed to give the steel a matte, satin and finished appearance. read more

PVD Coloring Treatment on Stainless Steel: what is it and how is it carried out?
Il trattamento PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) su acciaio inox è una tecnologia di colorazione altamente innovativa, che permette di ottenere... read more

Stainless steel and sculpture, a winning combination
The Kelpies, a groundbreaking work of art that can take your breath away... read more

Six Reasons Why Stainless Steel’s Hygiene Will Help Us Combat the Virus... read more

Super Mirror stainless steel polishing: benefits, processes and applications
Super Mirror polishing is an advanced surface finishing process that gives stainless steel an exceptionally high reflectivity. read more

Troppo spesso gli acciai inossidabili rigidizzati vengono erroneamente confusi con quelli decorati e viceversa, portando a scarsa identità degli stessi: è quindi opportuno fare chiarezza... read more